Every moment of life offers a number of choices for us to choose. It’s the ability to make a choice that determines the outcome. Some choices produce success and some failure. The irony is that at the time of decision making not all information is available to make a choice. The uncertainty that is linked with the choice is the beauty of the nature - the inevitability.
When making a choice every human is equipped with two decision making elements – the Conscious mind and the Subconscious mind. The conscious mind controls the organs in our body like the movement of hands, legs, mouth etc and is responsible for active presence of mind. The subconscious mind is a store house of memories. Good ones, bad ones, important ones or not so important ones, every thing gets stored in the subconscious mind.
The conscious mind receives its input from the five sense organs. This input is subjected to logical reasoning in the conscious mind and a decision is made. This decision is then sent to the subconscious mind. This decision along with its reasoning is stored in the subconscious mind. Unconsciously the subconscious mind is being trained by the conscious mind. When the conscious mind is faced with choices, the subconscious mind takes over. The past experiences that are stored will be applied to arrive at a decision. The conscious mind which trains the subconscious is dependent on the subconscious mind to make a decision. Hence, the subconscious mind holds the key to decision making.
This leaves us with a question as how do we train the subconscious mind to arrive at right decisions which in turn affect our actions. The only way to train is to induce right thoughts consciously. Once the subconscious mind is filled with right thoughts there is a high probability that subconscious mind arrives at the right decision.