First it was Android from Google, later came BADA from Samsung and now Symbian from Nokia. Symbian which platformed more than 500 million Nokia phones is now an Open Source and it was launched as a freebie in a USB stick at Mobile World Congress 2010,
Secondly, today there are 175,000 iPhone Apps on the net which are downloadable. Apple's Application Development Kit is open source. On an average 150 Apps are being added everyday !! The emphasis on the Apps is so significant that so far more than 3 Billion iPhone Apps have been downloaded which have an average price of 1.5 USD. Apple has a 30% slice of the total App Revenue. Most of these Apps are of social networking category which induce high data activity and are great ARPU generators. The data activity is so high that the existing 3G networks are being used to its maximum capacity forcing the Network Operators to upgrade to 4G. In 2011, majority of the Network Operators will roll out either LTE or Wimax networks to facilitate the Network crunch. An open source Application development platform increases the number of the Apps that will be developed in quick time.
From Network Operators perspective, open source provides a greater control to them. Until now handset manufacturers held their platforms closely that they dictated release of the handsets which made the network operators dependent on them. Now, network operators enjoy a greater freedom and can easily switch to other handset manufacturers. Even if Nokia stops making phones one day, there will be ample number of other handset makers from which network operators can get a Symbian phone.
Lastly, these mobile open source platforms are not limited to Smart phones, they are extended to other converged devices like Tablet. Android based Tablets will soon hit the market in couple of months. The line up includes tablets from Dell, Archos, Asus, Compal, Notion Ink, MSI, Quanta and Vega.